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核心素養 |
具體內涵 |
求真Truth |
專業宏通Academic excellence and holistic development |
具有專業學科領域中的知識與技能,並能培養正向的態度與價值觀,自主學習跨領域知識;能善用所學,解決生活中的挑戰與問題。Academic excellence and holistic development describe a quality that is focused on the development of the whole person, and that seeks to help students cultivate the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that they need to succeed in all aspects of their lives. This competence values both academic rigor and personal growth, and recognizes that both are essential for success and well-being. |
批判思考Critical thinking |
具備運用分析與推理能力進行議題討論與價值思辯,也能在專業領域上反思與解決問題;能找出自己思考盲點,使自我不斷精進。Critical thinking refers to the ability to analyze information, evaluate arguments and evidence, and draw logical and reasoned conclusions. It involves a set of cognitive skills and strategies that enable individuals to assess the reliability and validity of information, identify biases and assumptions, and consider multiple perspectives. |
溝通互動Communication and interaction |
具備人際溝通知能,理解並使用各種符號,以合適情緒進行經驗、思想、價值與情意之表達;能同理他人,並與他人建立良好互動關係和解決問題。Communication and interaction refer to the exchange of information, ideas, and feedback between individuals or groups. It involves the ability to convey thoughts and emotions clearly and effectively, and to actively listen and respond to others. Effective communication and interaction skills are essential for building relationships, resolving conflicts, and achieving common goals. |
尊重差異Empathy and respect for differences |
理解不同個體差異性,以中道態度展現對生命獨特性的尊重;能肯定自我,也能認同他人與自己的差異點,能與人沒有負擔地相處。Empathy and respect for differences refer to the ability to understand and appreciate the perspectives, feelings, and experiences of others, particularly those who are different from ourselves. It involves recognizing and valuing diversity, and treating others with kindness, tolerance, and understanding. Developing empathy and respect for differences is essential for building relationships and creating a more inclusive and harmonious society. |
篤信Faith |
創意創新Creation and innovation |
能跳脫既定思維模式,活用既有資源,勇於以創新態度與作為因應社會變遷與面對挑戰;能提出符合目標發展之規劃及執行策略,具有從失敗經驗中學習之韌性,以達成目標,實現理想。Creation and innovation refer to the ability to generate new ideas, products, or solutions through original thinking and problem-solving. It involves taking risks, challenging assumptions, and thinking outside the box to develop novel approaches or products that have value and utility. |
藝術涵養Aesthetic appreciation and expression |
能理解並有意願欣賞美的事物;能善用多元媒介與形式,不受現實框架侷限,從事藝術與生活創作和展現,促進多元感官發展,實踐藝術與社會文化脈絡的互動。Aesthetic appreciation and expression refer to the ability to recognize, appreciate, and express oneself through the arts, including music, literature, visual arts, and performing arts. It involves an awareness and understanding of the beauty, form, and emotional content of artistic works, as well as the ability to create and communicate through various artistic mediums. |
數位素養Digital literacy |
善用資訊科技與各類媒體,能查找、評估、整合、應用資訊,獲取新知;能進行數位創作與分享數位內容,具備數位公民的涵養。Digital literacy refers to the ability to access, evaluate, and use digital information and technologies effectively and responsibly. It involves a range of skills, including basic computer skills, information literacy, media literacy, online safety and security, and digital citizenship. Digital literacy enables individuals to access and use information, communicate effectively, and participate in online communities. |
永續思維Sustainability mindset |
能珍視永續價值,體認自己是大自然的一份子,對永續發展有責任感與影響力;能以系統性思考面對與解決永續發展問題,積極行動實踐永續社會;能群策群力,建立關懷自然生態與人類永續發展的意識。Sustainability mindset refers to the perspective and approach that prioritizes long-term ecological, social, and economic sustainability. It involves a recognition of the interconnectedness of environmental, social, and economic systems, and a commitment to making choices and taking actions that promote sustainable outcomes. Developing a sustainability mindset is essential for creating a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable future for all. |
力行Deeds |
問題解決Problem solving |
能清楚界定並聚焦問題,運用數據、資訊、證據、和論點進行分析推理,解決問題;能分解問題以尋求最佳切入點,深化後設思考並調整行動,以積極面對人生各種挑戰。Problem solving involves identifying, analyzing, and resolving issues or obstacles in a methodical and effective manner. It requires critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to gather and evaluate information to develop solutions. Effective problem solving involves breaking down complex problems into manageable components, considering various perspectives, and testing potential solutions to determine the best course of action. |
跨域合作Interdisciplinary collaboration |
能具備跨領域知能與溝通技巧,與不同領域的人進行溝通協調和協作;能善用問題引導跨領域合作發展,提升跨領域團體共同決策和合作解決問題,以達成共同目標。Interdisciplinary collaboration involves individuals or groups from different disciplines working together to achieve a common goal. It requires effective communication, mutual respect, and the ability to integrate diverse perspectives, knowledge, and skills. Interdisciplinary collaboration is often used to solve complex problems that require expertise from multiple fields, and can lead to innovative and creative solutions that would not be possible within a single discipline. |
社會關懷Social concerns |
能關注公共議題或被主流社會忽略的需求,將關懷付諸行動;能體會弱勢族群的痛點需求,提出符應需求的創新做法,發揮個體對社會的責任與影響力。Social concerns are issues related to human well-being, social justice, and equity. They encompass a wide range of topics, including poverty, inequality, discrimination, and access to education and healthcare. Social concerns can also involve environmental issues, as environmental degradation often disproportionately affects marginalized communities. Addressing social concerns requires awareness, empathy, and a commitment to creating a more just and equitable society. |
全球素養Global competence |
認同與珍視自我文化的價值,尊重與肯認多元文化;能具備跨文化素養,重視普世價值,能以同理心、批判力、創新力、理解力和實踐等方面的能力促進國際交流與互惠;能透過理解全球議題及國際情勢之國際視野,發展順應時代脈絡與社會需要的能力。Global competence is the ability to understand and navigate complex global issues, systems, and relationships, as well as the capacity to communicate and work effectively with people from different cultures and backgrounds. It involves a range of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, such as cultural awareness, language proficiency, critical thinking, and empathy. Global competence is becoming increasingly important as the world becomes more interconnected, and as individuals and organizations must collaborate and compete in a global context. |